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October 9, 2012

Walgreens + Sally Hansen deal!

I know you guys like when I posts good deals. Well today I stopped at Walgreens to do a little browsing with no intention of buying anything. I got to the Sally Hansen nail polishes and discovered that the Complete Salon Manicure polishes had been marked down from $7.99 to $1.99! There weren't tons to choose from but I found 4 colors that I liked.

The total was $8.58 after tax. That's pretty much the same amount I would pay for one polish if it had been regular price. So I was able to get 4 for the price of 1.

I saved $24!!

I haven't tried this Sally Hansen line and I've heard mixed reviews about it, but for $1.99 a piece, I'm willing to give it a shot.

Check your local Walgreens for this deal!

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