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October 25, 2012

Halloween Look: Masquerade Mask

A few days ago I shared a Pirate look I did on myself. I wanted to do another Halloween look that was a little more colorful and whimsical. I created a masquerade look complete with various color, crazy lashes, and pretty jewels.

Here's the look:

How To:

1. I started by drawing the outline of a mask with a black crayon and filling it in with white cream makeup (they can be found in a kit like this). I also applied my eyeliner and mascara at this point because I thought it might be harder to do later without smudging my mask

2. I filled in the whole mask with different colors of eyeshadow - I used the Urban Decay Book of Shadows Vol III for this. The white cream acted as a great base for the colors I was using. I created shaded areas to make more dimension.

3. Then I added jewels to my mask with lash glue. I picked up a set of assorted craft jewels at Michael's for just a few dollars. 

4. To complete the look, I added long feathery lashes.

For my lips, I applied a light pink lipstick. For my hair, I used a 1-inch curling iron to add some loose curls and volume.

I loved creating this look. It's colorful and much more fun than just buying a mask at the store. It didn't take too long either. The only part that was time consuming was filling in the mask with eyeshadow; everything else was really quick.

How do you like this masquerade look? Would you try something similar?

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