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October 30, 2012

Last Minute Halloween Nails

I'm loving nail art and lately and I already posted a step-by-step picture tutorial on these candy corn nails. I also came up with some quick Halloween nails that are easy to accomplish, even without nail art skills.
I thought these nails were great for a last minute Halloween manicure. Maybe you're getting ready to go out on Halloween, but don't have time for elaborate nail art - try any or all of the following quick designs. 

Let's take a look at how to get these Halloween nails...
After applying a base coat, I painted my nails with Sally Hansen's Complete Salon Manicure in Plum Luck (640). It's a deep eggplant shade.

Without a flash

Taken with a flash

On my index finger I made a ghost shape with white nail polish. Then I dipped my dotting tool in black polish and made three dots for the eyes and mouth. Done!

For the spiderweb on my ring finger, I used a white striper to make diagonal lines across my nail. 

Then I used the striper to connect the lines and make a web. Done!

I made the spooky eyes on my thumb nail with the white striper as well. These are pretty self-explanatory and super quick. Done!
That's it! Wasn't that simple? I left the other two nails blank because I didn't want my nails to be too busy.

I also liked the look of just a spiderweb on my ring finger for a more simple  design.

I think it would look cool to do spiderwebs on a couple of nails in different directions and if you're feeling extra skilled, you can add a spider somewhere.

Any of the designs I showed can be used in different combinations.
Which design did you like best? The ghost? The spiderweb? The spooky eyes? 

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