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October 8, 2012

Candy Corn Nails

Halloween is right around the corner and that means costumes, haunted houses, trick-or-treaters, and jack o' lanterns will be everywhere.

And did I mention candy?!!

This month, I'll be sharing some Halloween-themed posts. To start off, I have a simple and fun tutorial for these candy corn nails I created.

Want to learn how to do this festive manicure on yourself? Keep reading.

You'll need 4 colors:

First step, paint your nails all black and let them dry. 
I used Liquid Vinyl by Orly. It's an opaque black with a shiny finish.

Next, make a candy corn shape with your white polish. It doesn't have to be perfect. I used  2 coats of Baby's Breath by Essie. You want to apply white first so the other colors show up brightly against the black. The tip of the candy corn will remain white.

Add orange to the middle of the candy corn. I used Fear or Desire from Essie. The orange section should be the biggest. Try to keep the color within the white area.

Apply yellow to the bottom section. For this, I used Daisy from Julep. 

Once you're done applying the colors, you can clean up the edges of the design with black polish. This is optional. I used a black striper (used for details) to make my design look more smooth and crisp.
Now just add a top coat and you're ready to show off your sweet nails!

Will you be trying this manicure on your nails? Let me know!
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